MFA Spokesman: Israel's Reaction to UN Special Emergency Session

MFA Spokesman: Israel's Reaction to UN Special Emergency Session

      Israel's Reaction to UN Special Emergency Session

    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman)
    July 16, 1997

    Israel utterly rejects the one-sided and hostile resolution adopted at the Special Emergency Session of the UN General Assembly on Har Homa. The building of a new residential neighborhood in Jerusalem, does not, by any criterion, constitute "a threat to international peace and security". There was therefore no justification, whether of procedure or of substance, to convene the special emergency session, especially when the international agenda is so burdened with real problems which require the UN's attention and action. The decision adopted therefore has no moral justification or validity.

    The convening of the special emergency session and the decision adopted by it are further expressions of the attempt to circumvent the peace process while singling out Israel for censure. Such actions run counter to the principles of the peace process, and place further obstacles before the efforts to resume it. Israel regrets that states which openly support the peace process and which aspire to be partners in it - elected to vote in favor of a decision which contradicts it. Israel also expresses its appreciation to those countries which did not support the resolution, and is pleased that among these were the United States and Russia, the co-sponsors of the peace process.

    The peace process constitutes the sole chance to achieve historic reconciliation and lasting peace in our region. Attempts to bring disputed issues before international forums in order to evade direct negotiation have not succeeded in the past, and will not succeed in the future.

    Israel therefore calls upon its neighbors, and especially the Palestinians, to cooperate in its efforts to resume the peace negotiations.